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that you can see the big picture.

Consultation Manager Proposal | Prepared for SA Water

Build Better Relationships

Today you’re expected to create shared value, not just shareholder value.

You have to measure and maintain positive perceptions over a longer period of time, with a larger ecosystem of interconnected stakeholders than ever before, and having a centralised stakeholder relationship management platform is essential.

Better Decisions Today,
Better Outcomes Tomorrow

As a single source of truth, Consultation Manager helps you understand your stakeholder’s perceptions, engage strategically, and build better relationships.

Gain clarity on the dynamic experiences, feelings, ideas, and events that shape your stakeholder relationships so that you can make better decisions today and create better outcomes tomorrow.

How Consultation Manager Works

Capture and store stakeholder information and interactions in a secure cloud-based platform.

Analyse stakeholder relationships to identify issues, patterns, and trends that could become project risks or opportunities.

Engage with your stakeholders in more meaningful ways across multiple channels

Capture Stakeholder Interactions

When you’re building stakeholder relationships, the last thing you want to be doing is sifting through, spreadsheets to record the right insights in the right spot. Anyone in your team can input data straight into Consultation Manager from any device and maintain your single source of truth.

Analyse Your Impact

Select from a variety of out-of-the-box or custom reports so that you can track engagement and manage compliance. Stakeholder management is all about ‘reading the room’ and Consultation Manager will help you spot trending issues or changes in sentiment before a situation unfolds.

Engage Strategically

Build trusting, transparent, and collaborative stakeholder relationships by tracking sentiment and delivering timely communications. Unpack the history of any stakeholder relationship at any time from anywhere with an internet connection and go into your next conversation armed with context.

For Government

You can only meet the community’s needs once you understand them. We understand that government organisations are complex and require a flexible and centralised approach to effectively manage your community’s interactions.

Consultation Manager helps you to maintain an accurate record of your engagement, break down information silos, and turn your insights into action through advanced reporting and connected stakeholder data.

Start Building Better Relationships, Today

Build trusting, transparent, and collaborative stakeholder relationships by tracking sentiment and delivering timely communications. Unpack the history of any stakeholder relationship at any time from anywhere with an internet connection and go into your next conversation armed with context.

Pricing Schedule

Subscription Costs


Up to 500 Stakeholder License - 3 Year Contract


Data Back-up


Consulting/Service Hours - 2x per year


Multi-year contracts can be invoiced annually on request.

Optional Services




SMS - Add on

Total Excluding Tax$46,017.30



Accept and Sign Proposal

By completing this proposal you are agreeing with our Terms and Conditions below. If you have any questions or hesitations, please reach out to us. Clicking the below button will prompt a form to complete relating to your organisation.

Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions, the Service Level Agreement and the Privacy Policy constitute the entire agreement between You and Consultation Manager and governs Your use of Our Services. By registering for, accessing and/or otherwise using Consultation Manager’s services, You acknowledge that You have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms. If You can’t agree to our terms, then You cannot use Our Services.

If You still have questions after you’ve read these terms, please get in touch with Us.

Terms and General

In these terms and conditions, capitalised words have the following meanings:

1. Agreement – Means these terms and conditions together with the Customer Registration, the Service Level Agreement, and the Privacy Policy.

2. Application – Means the computer software application, more specifically called ‘Consultation Manager’ and its associated mobile apps and plug-ins which is to be made available by Us to You pursuant to this Agreement.

3. Charges – Means the charges for Our Services as specified in the Customer Registration or as notified by Us in accordance with this Agreement.

4. Consultation Manager – When We say Consultation Manager, CM, We, Our or Us, we’re talking about MySite Design Pty Ltd (ACN. 104 027 812). Where context permits or requires, we are also talking about the Application which is known as ‘Consultation Manager’.

5. Content – Means any Data and information available through Our Services or contained within Our Services.

6. Customer Registration – Means the form described as such, or any other document completed upon signing up with Consultation Manager that outlines a description of Our Services including contract dates and agreed pricing.

7. Data – Means data owned or supplied by You to which We are provided access pursuant to the Agreement or data which may otherwise be generated, compiled, arranged or developed using Consultation Manager by You but excluding the Intellectual Property.

8. Force Majeure – Means a circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the parties which results in a party being unable to observe or perform an obligation under this Agreement. Such circumstances shall include but not be limited to acts of God, lightning strikes, any natural disaster, acts of war, terrorism, riots, civil commotion, malicious damages, sabotage, revolution and strikes.

9. Intellectual Property – Means any IP Rights in Consultation Manager and any associated customisations, enhancements, or modifications to Consultation Manager after commencement of this Agreement, whether at Your request or otherwise.

10. IP Rights – means all intellectual property rights in any jurisdiction and other rights of a similar nature, including copyright, trademarks, patents, design and design rights for all software or computer programs, trade or other proprietary rights or any rights to registration, whether created before or after the commencement of this Agreement.

11. Our Services – Consists of all services, products, and Applications that Consultation Manager provides now or in the future and made available by Us to You in accordance with this Agreement, including access to the Application.

12. Privacy Policy – means the privacy policy published on our website which may be varied from time to time.

13. Service Level Agreement – means the service level agreement published on our website which may be varied from time to time.

14. System Security Document – means the system security document published on our website which may be varied from time to time.

15. You – When we say You, You’ve or Your, we mean both you and any entity or firm you’re authorised to represent.

16. Applicable Law – This Agreement will be governed by the laws of Queensland. Notices under this Agreement may be delivered by email to Us at the addresses specified in the Customer Registration Form, and to You at the email addresses You specify to Us in Your Customer Registration Form. Notice will be deemed given upon sending the transmission if sent before 5 pm on a business day or otherwise at the commencement of the first business day following transmission. In this clause “business day” means Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in Brisbane CBD.

Access to Consultation Manager

17. Access – During the term of this Agreement, We will provide You with Our Services in the manner specified in the Service Level Agreement but subject to these terms and conditions.

18. No assignment – Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Us, access to Our Services are personal to You and use is not permitted by any other person or entity other than Your employees, contractors or third parties who are reasonably required to access the system for use on Your projects.

19. Intellectual Property – You acknowledge and agree that any Intellectual Property is retained by Us and shall not be available in any form for use by any third parties. Nothing in this Agreement is to be taken to be a transfer or assignment of the Intellectual Property or any of Our IP rights to You.

Duration of Agreement

20. Contract Period – The contract period shall commence upon completing and signing Your Customer Registration, and continues for the term indicated in the Customer Registration (Contract Period).

21. Note that this clause is not-applicable by request of SA Water Automatic Renewal – Prior to the end of the Contract Period, We will issue an invoice for the Subsequent Period. Unless We receive a response from You indicating termination of the Agreement, the Agreement will be automatically renewed for a further term of the same duration as the original Contract Period (Subsequent Term).

22. Survival – Any terms which are capable of having effect after the expiration of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect following the expiration of this Agreement.

Privacy and Data Use

23. Privacy – Consultation Manager uses Your data to provide services to You. Our privacy policy is an important part of these terms and describes how we deal with personal data.

24. Data Use – Subject to any lien arising because of unpaid Charges and to any further encumbrances arising outside our control, we acknowledge that Your Data remains the property of You. While We do not own Your Data, You grant Us a licence to use, copy, transmit, store analyse and back up all Data You submit to Us through Our Services, including personal data of yourself and others, to:

• Enable You to use Our Services;

• Allow Us to improve, develop and protect Our Services; create new services;

• Communicate with You about this Agreement or Our Services;

• And send information We think may be of interest to You.

25. Delivery of Your Data where lawfully required – If required by any applicable law or legally binding order of any court, government, semi- government authority or administrative or judicial body or the applicable rules of any securities exchange, We may disclose Your Data or related data, documentation or records or confidential information.

26. Anonymous statistical data – When You use Our Services, We may create anonymous statistical data from Your Data and usage of Our Services, including through aggregation. Once anonymised, We may use it for Our own purposes, such as to provide and improve Our Services, to develop new services or product offerings, to identify business trends, and for other uses We communicate to You.

27. Note that this clause is not-applicable by request of SA Water Marketing & Promotion – Unless instructed by You in writing upon signing, You hereby irrevocably acknowledge and agree that We may use Your logo or organisation name on our marketing collateral in any form or medium, (including but not limited to our website, sales proposals, information sheets, social media posts, and public displays) to indicate or represent that You are a current client of Our business. For the purpose of this clause, You give Us a non-exclusive, worldwide, fee-free licence to use the IP Rights in Your logo or organisation name whilst You use any of Our Services for the limited purposes set out in this clause unless revoked by written notice by You to Us in accordance with this Agreement.

28. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Because We do not collect or determine the use of any personal data contained in Your Data, Consultation Manager is not acting in the capacity of data controller in terms of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679, “GDPR”) and does not have the associated responsibilities under the GDPR. Consultation Manager should be considered only as a processor on behalf of You and Your users as to any Data containing personal data that is subject to the requirements of the GDPR. Except as provided in the privacy policy, Consultation Manager does not independently cause Your Data stored in connection with Our Services to be transferred or otherwise made available to third parties, except to third party sub-contractors who may process such data on behalf of Consultation Manager in connection with the provision of Our Services to You.

You and Your users are the data controllers under the regulations, meaning that You and Your users control the manner in which any personal data is collected and used as well as the determination of the purposes and means of the processing of such personal data.

Consultation Manager is not responsible for the content of the personal data contained in Your Data or other information stored on Our servers (or its sub-contractors’ servers) at the discretion of the You and Your users, nor is Consultation Manager responsible for the manner in which You collect, handle disclosure, distribute or otherwise process such information.

29. Data Processing Agreement – If You need a signed Data Processing Addendum in addition to this Agreement and Privacy Policy, please contact us.

30. System Security – Refer to Our System Security Document for more information relating to your data and security.

Maintenance, Downtime, and Data Loss

31. Service Acknowledgements – As with all computers and internet driven software applications, there may be times that Our chosen server is not operational or has been shut down for maintenance. There may also be software errors or other interruptions in use affecting Our chosen server or Our Services. Despite taking all reasonable security measures, Our chosen server may be vulnerable to hackers, viruses, and unauthorised access and We do not guarantee the integrity of data, and that as a result of any of these events there may be interruption of Your business.

32. Breach of Security – Subject to the clauses under the ‘Liability’ section below, You are responsible for any breach of security at Your premises or to Your computer system, which results in any loss or damage to Us and We are equally responsible for any breach at Our premises or to Our computer system, which results in any loss or damage to You.

33. Malfunction – We do not warrant that Our Services are or will be completely error free.

34. Failure of Our Services – We shall not be responsible for any failure of Our Services, if such failure is caused by factors beyond Our reasonable control including, but not limited to, a Force Majeure event, telecommunications failure or fault, defective network or Internet connections, poor reception, defective equipment utilised by or incorrect operation by You of Your own access facilities, or the loss of service from the service provider hosting Application.

35. Modifications – We may exercise our discretion as to the configuration of Our Services, release new updates, modifications, and enhancements to Our Services, and in some cases discontinue features without prior notification to You. Where this occurs, we will Endeavor to notify You where practicable.

User Conduct

36. Your Acknowledgement – All Content is the sole responsibility of the person who made the Content available, and You are solely liable and responsible for Your Content. You shall not:

• Undermine the security or integrity of Our computing systems or networks.

• Use Our Services in any way that might impair functionality or interfere with other people’s use.

• Access any system without Our permission.

• Introduce or upload anything that: (a) infringes any IP Rights or other proprietary rights of any party; (b) violates any applicable law or is illegal; or (c) violates any third-party’s right, including right to privacy.

• Introduce or upload anything that contains software viruses, trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots or any other computer code, files or programs designed to or that may interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment.

• Impersonate any person or entity, including without limitation a Consultation Manager representative or another user of Consultation Manager, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent Your affiliation with a person or entity.

• Create a false identity for the purpose of misleading others as to Your identity or the originator of a message.

• Interfere with or disrupt Our website or servers or networks connected to Our website, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to Our website.

• Modify, copy, adapt, reproduce, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, or extract the source code of any part of Our Services.

37. Your Access – You are responsible for providing Your own internal facilities and equipment necessary to access the Application. We accept no responsibility for any deficiency in Your access facilities.


38. You must pay charges – You shall pay Our Charges at the rate and in the manner specified in the Customer Registration. You agree to pay Our Charges when requested and that where any of Our Charges are payable in advance of a future period, then those Charges are payable in consideration of Us making available Our Services and any of our other goods and services to You for the period to which that Charge relates and but for valid termination for a Force Majeure event, are not refundable in any instance. For the avoidance of doubt, this clause applies if this Agreement is terminated before the end of the Contract Period (or Subsequent Term) so that Charges for the full Contract Period (or Subsequent Term) remain payable.

39. Upgrades – In the event that You exceed the thresholds of Your current subscription outlined in Your Customer Registration at any time during the Contract Period, You will automatically be upgraded to a new subscription tier. You must pay a pro-rata amount equal to the difference between the Charges outlined in Your Customer Registration and the price of Your new subscription tier. The pro-rata amount will be based on the number of days left in the relevant Contract Period and pricing available upon request from Your customer success manager.

40. Price Increases – We may increase Our pricing annually on the anniversary of the commencement of Your Agreement. You will be notified by Us of any increased Charges at least thirty (30) days before the increase takes effect. If the increase in Charges is by 5.0% or less, You agree to pay the increased Charges and there is nothing more You need to do. If the increase in Charges is greater than 5.0%, and You do not agree to pay the increased Charges, You may notify Us within 30 days and request that We terminate this Agreement at the end of Your Contract Period (or Subsequent Term).

41. Importance of timely payments – In order to continue accessing Our Services, You need to make timely payments based on the pricing plan You selected. If we do not receive timely payments, we may suspend access to Our Services until the payment is made.

42. Exclusion of Taxes – The Charges are exclusive of taxes, duties and charges imposed or levied in connection with Your access to Our Services. Without limiting the foregoing, You shall be liable for any new taxes, duties or Charges during the term in respect of the Access to Our Services.


43. Termination by a party – Without limiting the generality of any other clause in this Agreement, a party may terminate this Agreement immediately by notice in writing if:

• the other party (“defaulting party”) is in breach of any term of this Agreement and such breach is not remedied within thirty (30) days of the other party notifying the defaulting party of that breach;

• a party becomes, threatens, or resolves to become or are in jeopardy of becoming subject to any form of insolvency administration; any party, being a partnership, dissolves, threatens or resolves to dissolve or is in jeopardy of dissolving;

• any party ceases or threatens to cease conducting its business;

• We are delayed or fail to perform a substantial part of our obligations under this Agreement for a period of sixty (60) days or more due to an event of Force Majeure.

44. Payments upon termination – In the event this Agreement is terminated prior to the end the Contract Period (or Subsequent Term) due to a breach of this Agreement by You, Charges for the remaining Contract Period must be paid by You within 14 days of the date of termination. It is agreed that the outstanding Charges are either a fee for service and in consideration of Us making Our Services available for the Contract Period or Subsequent Term (as the case may be) and/or is not a penalty and is a genuine pre-estimate of the loss we will suffer from early termination, bearing in mind Our Services are a SaaS service.

45. Refunds – If You cancel Our Services provided to You, or your access to Our Services is cancelled or suspended by Us in accordance with these terms, You understand that you are not entitled to a refund of any prepaid amount since such Charges are made in consideration of making Our Services available for the Contract Period (or Subsequent Period). If this Agreement is validly terminated due to Force Majeure event or a breach of this Agreement by Us (but not otherwise), We will refund, on a pro rata basis, moneys previously paid by You pursuant to this Agreement for Our Services not provided by Us to You.

46. Retention of Your data – Once this Agreement is terminated by You or Us, it is archived and retained for a period of 90 days before deleting it. During this time, You can retrieve Your Data by requesting a backup from Us. Alternatively, You can access Your data by reactivating Your access to the Services and paying the Charges.


47. Mutual Indemnity – Each party shall at all times indemnify and hold harmless the other party, its officers, employees and agents (“those indemnified”) from and against any loss (including reasonable legal costs and expenses) or liability reasonably incurred or suffered by any of those indemnified arising from any proceedings against those indemnified where such loss or liability was caused by:

• a breach by the indemnifying party of its obligations under this Agreement.

• any wilful, unlawful, or negligent act or omission of the indemnifying party.


48. No Reliance – You agree that You have not relied on any representations or warranties made by Us which have not otherwise been expressly stated in this Agreement.

49. No liability for your breaches of laws – We are under no obligation to You under this Agreement or otherwise if and to the extent Your access to Our Services constitutes a breach of any relevant law or regulation by You.

50. Limitation of Liability – Notwithstanding any other clause of these terms and conditions, the total liability of Us to You arising out of breach of our obligations under these terms and conditions (whether for breach of contract or warranty, under an indemnity, pursuant to any liquidated or other damages clause, for tort including negligence, for strict liability or on any other legal basis) is limited to:

• an amount equal to one year’s Charges under this document;

• minus any amount which You recover from another third party as a result of an action by You against that third party, and notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, neither party will be liable to the other under these terms and conditions in contract, tort or otherwise:

• to the extent that any loss is caused or contributed to by the negligence or default by the other party or their personnel;

• for any indirect consequential loss related to or connected with this Agreement.

For the avoidance of doubt, this clause does not exclude or limit Your liability for the payment of Charges under these terms and conditions.

51. Terms Implied by Law – Where legislation implies in this Agreement any condition or warranty, and that legislation avoids or prohibits provisions in a contract excluding or modifying the application of or exercise of or liability under such condition or warranty, the condition or warranty shall be deemed to be included in this Agreement. However, Our liability for any breach of such condition or warranty shall be limited, at Our option, to one or more of the following:

(A) the supplying of the services again; or

(B) the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.


52. Our Right – We may sub-contract for the performance of this Agreement without Your prior consent, provided that We remain responsible for our obligations to You under this Agreement.

Changes to the Terms of Use

52. We may change these terms and conditions from time to time. material changes will be published on our website

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Consultation Manager is owned and operated by MySite, a specialised global, software company with a focus on community and stakeholder relationship management software through our core products of Consultation Manager, Social Pinpoint, and The HiVE.

© 2022 Consultation Manager. All rights reserved.